G is for Goal

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”What do you really really want?” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_height=”1″ margin_design_tab_text=””]

Goals are where it all begins. Deciding what you really want to do is crucial to your success, your achievement and your happiness. Don’t climb your career ladder unless it is against the right wall!

The best goals are ones that pull you. They tug at you so you are drawn to them. You just “have to” do it. Even better are the tugging goals where you enjoy the journey. People drawn to their goals or endlessly enjoying the journey find that they don’t choose their goals, they discover them.

Most people have to work at choosing their goals however. Find out how to choose and create effective Goals using the questions below.


[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Developing an Effective Goal Statement” heading_tag=”h3″ main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:20px;” sub_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;”]Explore questions to help develop your Goal Statement, expand them to see the purpose of the question.[/ultimate_heading]

Do I feel inspired when I think about my Goal?

The best Goals are those that give you a big smile when you think about achieving them!

Is my Goal a manageable size and not so big that it overwhelms me?

Making a Goal too big is setting yourself up for failure. If you feel your Goal is too big create a sub Goal that you can complete in a few weeks.

Is my Goal largely within my competence and control?

All Goals are outside our control to some extent but ensure there is a reasonable chance you will be able achieve it through your efforts.

Have I used specific and concrete language to describe my Goal?

Verbs like ‘identify’ or ‘develop’ are less clear than verbs like ‘buy’ or ‘enrol’

Is my Goal measurable?

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Is my Goal stated in the positive?

It is more effective to focus on what you want rather that what you do not want.

Is there a clear defining moment when I know I will have succeeded?

It is really important to know there will be a point when you are clear that the Goal has been achieved. For some Goals the defining moment will be obvious e.g. saying ‘I do’ when you get married. In other cases it will have to be created e.g. getting on a plane when you emigrate to a new country.

Is the Goal something I want rather than something that I feel I 'should' do?

Goals work best when all parts of you want to achieve it rather than feeling internally ‘split’ about achieving it.

Do I know what I will lose if I do not get my Goal?

Understanding the potential loss in not achieving your Goal can be very motivating.

Have I considered what I might loose if I do achieve my Goal?

When change happens something is always lost so it is important to understand what you will loose if you do get your Goal.

What are the risks inherent in achieving my Goal?

Often there is a risk involved in going for a Goal. It is best to know what the risks are in advance so you can be prepared.

Is this a real Goal I want to go for or would I prefer it as a dream?

Is your Goal something you really want in your life? Are you prepared for success?

Have I really asked for what I want or am I settling for something less?

We often settle for second best for fear that we will not achieve what we really want.

Does my Goal conflict with any other Goals or aspirations I have?

Consider what time, money and other resources you are able to give to this Goal as well as considering other Goals you might have.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Examples of Goals, NEEDS COMPLETING” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left” spacer=”line_only” spacer_position=”middle” line_height=”1″]We will follow a example of GROW as it effected a client of mine called Ian. Ian’s goal was to change his job and get into IT. He had no experience, little time to follow up on advertised vacancies, no contacts in the industry, no car and no money. The stress of his current job had given him a peptic ulcer at 23 so he was changing careers ‘on doctors orders’ as it were – he had motivation! He wanted his new job to be programming computers, within commuting distance and paying enough to live on, and with prospects.

Although this example is about a career change you can apply the principles of GROW to any Goal you wish to achieve.[/ultimate_heading]